My dog has cancer! Today I look at the aspirate of my own dog’s cancer and have lots of lymphoma rechecks
Dr. Sue’s Vlog – Episode 8 – Oncology is Here
Our first week in the hospital by ourselves, Team Oncology is dealing with poop, gas, and of course puppy Penelope.
Dr. Sue’s Vlog – Episode 7 – Pokey Gets Chemo
Pokey has lymphoma and has 3 treatments left. This video is all Pokey and her chemotherapy treatment.
Welcome Penelope
Welcome, Penelope! Road trip to pick up puppy Penelope and her first month with Matilda and our family.
Dr. Sue’s Vlog – Episode 6 – Sonja Day
Sonja Day: Today, Dr Sue’s awesome assistant takes over on a day we did a CT on Blackie to check his nasal tumor, Tanner came in to recheck his lymphoma, and puppy Penelope comes to work.
Dr. Sue’s Vlog – Episode 5 – My Team Rocks
See what happens when Dr Sue’s nurses take her phone for the day. It was a busy day filled with exams, blood draws, chemotherapy treatments, and a very cute patient with very bad gas. #TeamOnc