“Dr. Sue’s lectures are cutting edge in terms of the information delivered and the visual presentation itself. Her lectures provide valuable information for everyone on the veterinary care team. I’ve personally used her guidelines of the See Something, Do Something movement to educate my clients and reinforce my own recommendations in practice. In addition, I’ve taken techniques and information learned in Dr. Sue’s lectures to raise the quality of care I can offer to my patients with cancer, whether they are treated in my hospital or referred to a local specialist.”

“If you are a veterinary professional and have never had the opportunity to attend
Dr. Sue Ettinger’s lectures at a veterinary conference, you are really missing out!
Dr. Sue has a way of explaining the diagnosis and treatment of cancer that is very
easily understood by general practitioners, and everything she presents is super
clinically relevant! Veterinary professionals can go back into the hospital and use
the knowledge to help their patients the very next day!
Her clear, concise calls-to-action for practitioners and pet parents, including “See
something, do something!” and “Why wait, aspirate!” are saving pets lives, and
enhancing the lives of pet and people all over the World!
Dr. Sue works very hard to make herself available and forward her mission to
“Kick Cancer’s Butt” through her Facebook sites (including one just for veterinary
professionals), her website and her videos. She will convince you that cancer is a
very treatable disease, and it’s apparent every time you interact with her that she
genuinely cares about not only HER patients, but OUR patients as well!”